Servant Leadership with James Hunter, Rooted Studies and Training Table for Men
Jesus said, “Anyone who does God’s will is my brother and sister and mother.” Mark 3: 35 There are so many exciting studies and events being offered at Christ Church to encourage us to “do God’s will” so we may indeed be called a sister or brother of Jesus Christ and God’s family.
Your servants in Christ,
Pastors Charles and Julie
- Friday, February 21 at 6:30 p.m. Celebrate Recovery 20th Celebration at the Mt. View Campus
- Saturday, March 1 at 9 a.m. until 12 noon, Christ Church is partnering with New Beginnings to bring James Hunter, a Fortune 50 consultant and speaker, to teach valuable principles from his book Servant Leadership. Mr. Hunter teaches all four branches of our military, and companies like American Express, Proctor and Gamble, to name a few, and the event is free along with a copy of Servant Leadership signed by James Hunter. Please register now as space is limited, by going to·
- Monday, March 3 both our Statesville and Mt. View Campuses are offering Rooted, which is a ten-week journey that brings you closer to Christ and understanding God’s will for your life. Pastor Charles and Julie will be leading our Mt. View Rooted study. Sign up today at
- Wednesday, March 5 at 6:30 p.m. all campuses will host an Ash Wednesday service to kick off 40 days of prayer for the season of Lent.
- Friday, March 7, “Training Table” for men is being offered at 6:30 a.m. until 7:30 a.m. at Statesville and Mt. View. The Training Table is meant to give men, high school age and up, the spiritual nourishment they need to train themselves for a godly life. Breakfast provided. Sign-up today and reserve your space by registering at
- Overflow Prayer and Healing Service every Sunday night at 5 p.m. What’s different about Overflow than Sunday’s service? Sunday we set the table for the Gospel Message to be preached and received. In Overflow, we set the table for Prayer and healing to be observed.
Your servants in Christ,
Pastors Charles and Julie

What is a Training Table? It is a place where athletes come to get the nutrition and nourishment they need to go perform on the field, track, or court at peak performance. Paul says in 1 Timothy that training ourselves physically is of great benefit, but training ourselves for godliness has benefits both in this life and eternally.
Men’s groups will meet on the First Friday's of each month at the Mountain View and Statesville Campuses. The Training Table is meant to give men, high school age and up, the spiritual nourishment they need to train themselves for a godly life. Breakfast provided.
Sign-up today and reserve your space. Go to and then find the Training Table @ Mt. View or the Training Table @ Statesville, click and register.
Please register before each session to ensure we have enough food. The group is open to high school age and above. Join at any time.
Men’s groups will meet on the First Friday's of each month at the Mountain View and Statesville Campuses. The Training Table is meant to give men, high school age and up, the spiritual nourishment they need to train themselves for a godly life. Breakfast provided.
Sign-up today and reserve your space. Go to and then find the Training Table @ Mt. View or the Training Table @ Statesville, click and register.
Please register before each session to ensure we have enough food. The group is open to high school age and above. Join at any time.

Posted in Newsletter
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Servant Leadership with James Hunter, Rooted Studies and Training Table for Men
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Day 7 - Mar. 1stDay 8 - Mar. 2ndDay 9 - Mar. 3rdChrist Church Experiencing GrowthDay 10 - Mar. 4thDay 11 - Mar. 6thDay 12 - Mar. 7thDay 13 - Mar. 8thDay 14 - Mar. 9thDay 15 - Mar. 10thDay 16 - Mar. 11thDay 17 - Mar. 13thDay 18 - Mar. 14thDay 19 - Mar. 15thDay 20 - Mar. 16thDay 21 - Mar. 17thDay 22 - Mar. 18thDay 23 - Mar. 20thDay 24 - Mar. 21stDay 25 - Mar. 22ndDay 26 - Mar. 23rdDay 27 - Mar. 24thDay 28 - Mar. 25thDay 29 - Mar. 27thDay 30 - Mar. 28thDay 31 - Mar. 29thDay 32 - Mar. 30thDay 33 - Mar. 31st
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