From the Pastor’s Heart: Who you Worship Matters…For you Become Who or What you Worship
Our One Year Bible Reading from Colossians 3 “Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others. Above all, clothe yourselves with love which binds us all together in perfect harmony.” Colossians 3: 12-14
When we have received the love and forgiveness of Christ we are called by Jesus to share his love and forgiveness with one another. We cannot withhold forgiveness from one another. In fact, in the Lord’s prayer we pray, “Forgive us of our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us…” Above all, we are to put on love which binds us together. What you believe, who you worship matters for it’s in Jesus Christ we find new life and healing from the hurts and disappointments of life.
In this publication the staff and I are inviting you to share your love for God and people by rolling up your sleeves and getting involved. There are major events that need all of our help. We need you. There are opportunities for us to share beyond our tithes so we can reach unchurched persons for Christ and relieve suffering. Here are some highlights:
Sunday, October 23 at 5 p.m. Student Led Worship Service—Our students will lead the entire service from greeters, ushers, worship band and team, and a student will be preaching.
Joshua Celebration is coming November 20, where every worshipper will be asked to volunteer in at least one area to serve others. No one gets a pass. Jesus said, “The son of man came to serve and not be served.” If we want to be like Jesus we are called by him to serve. Click here for a sample Joshua Menu.
Christmas Fest: December 10, we are hosting a major event for our communities at both the Statesville Campus and the Mt. View Campus. We will offer inflatables, Deck the Trunks with candy, and at Mt. View the Hayride to Bethlehem to share the powerful Gospel story of Jesus’ birth and resurrection for us. Our Second Mile offering for November is going to help us reach the community for Christ through Christmas Fest.
God is truly displaying the Supernatural to us during this season as we have had 118 baptisms so far this year and multiple rededications to Christ. We do become who we worship. We reflect Jesus when we serve and we are more like God when we give.
Praying for each of us to become more like Jesus,
Pastor Charles
Update on the Tree of Life: So far we have received $14,468 towards the Tree of Life. We are over 1/3 of the way. Continue to pray about making a gift so present and future generations may view the Gospel Story of Jesus’ birth, death and resurrection.
Life Group Update
Interested in joining a Life Group? It’s not too late, click here for a listing of Life Groups.
We also need facilitators and host homes. Reach out to
With 68% of men in the church viewing porn on a regular basis, there is a silent epidemic of lust that is wreaking havoc on marriages, relationships, and families. The Conquer Series is a group study which every man should attend. This men’s small group is designed to be a safe, judgment-free, environment for men to receive sexual discipleship by gathering together and finding support. Chains are being broken. Marriages are being restored. Take action, be courageous against the enemy, and sign up so you can be equipped with the tools you need to help yourself and other men in this fight.
Connect privately with Chris Murray, 828-312-0773, for more information and to register.
For the month of October we are partnering with the Salvation Army in Catawba County for the One “Can” make a difference food drive. Most needed items are canned fruits, meats, veggies, nut butters, dry goods, pasta, rice and dry beans. Items can be dropped at your Catawba County campus in the bins labeled in the lobby until October 30.
We are partnering with Samaritan’s Purse and Operation Christmas Child. Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts delight the hearts of boys and girls in more than 100 countries. The boxes are delivered along side the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Many of those children are able to participate in the follow-up discipleship program, The Greatest Journey, where they learn to know, grow in, and spread the Good News. You can pick up your box at any campus beginning October 30. We will be collecting boxes through Nov. 13. For more information you can go to
Interested in joining the mission of Christ Church? Be sure to attend the upcoming Developing 101 class on Sunday, Nov. 6 from 3 p.m. until 5 p.m. at the Statesville Campus. This class is for anyone interested in learning more about Christ Church and also to learn what it means to be a “Fully Devoted Follower” of Christ. Refreshments and childcare will be available. Stop by the connections desk to register and pick up a Developing Class Packet.
When we have received the love and forgiveness of Christ we are called by Jesus to share his love and forgiveness with one another. We cannot withhold forgiveness from one another. In fact, in the Lord’s prayer we pray, “Forgive us of our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us…” Above all, we are to put on love which binds us together. What you believe, who you worship matters for it’s in Jesus Christ we find new life and healing from the hurts and disappointments of life.
In this publication the staff and I are inviting you to share your love for God and people by rolling up your sleeves and getting involved. There are major events that need all of our help. We need you. There are opportunities for us to share beyond our tithes so we can reach unchurched persons for Christ and relieve suffering. Here are some highlights:
Sunday, October 23 at 5 p.m. Student Led Worship Service—Our students will lead the entire service from greeters, ushers, worship band and team, and a student will be preaching.
Joshua Celebration is coming November 20, where every worshipper will be asked to volunteer in at least one area to serve others. No one gets a pass. Jesus said, “The son of man came to serve and not be served.” If we want to be like Jesus we are called by him to serve. Click here for a sample Joshua Menu.
Christmas Fest: December 10, we are hosting a major event for our communities at both the Statesville Campus and the Mt. View Campus. We will offer inflatables, Deck the Trunks with candy, and at Mt. View the Hayride to Bethlehem to share the powerful Gospel story of Jesus’ birth and resurrection for us. Our Second Mile offering for November is going to help us reach the community for Christ through Christmas Fest.
God is truly displaying the Supernatural to us during this season as we have had 118 baptisms so far this year and multiple rededications to Christ. We do become who we worship. We reflect Jesus when we serve and we are more like God when we give.
Praying for each of us to become more like Jesus,
Pastor Charles
Update on the Tree of Life: So far we have received $14,468 towards the Tree of Life. We are over 1/3 of the way. Continue to pray about making a gift so present and future generations may view the Gospel Story of Jesus’ birth, death and resurrection.
Life Group Update
Interested in joining a Life Group? It’s not too late, click here for a listing of Life Groups.
We also need facilitators and host homes. Reach out to
With 68% of men in the church viewing porn on a regular basis, there is a silent epidemic of lust that is wreaking havoc on marriages, relationships, and families. The Conquer Series is a group study which every man should attend. This men’s small group is designed to be a safe, judgment-free, environment for men to receive sexual discipleship by gathering together and finding support. Chains are being broken. Marriages are being restored. Take action, be courageous against the enemy, and sign up so you can be equipped with the tools you need to help yourself and other men in this fight.
Connect privately with Chris Murray, 828-312-0773, for more information and to register.
For the month of October we are partnering with the Salvation Army in Catawba County for the One “Can” make a difference food drive. Most needed items are canned fruits, meats, veggies, nut butters, dry goods, pasta, rice and dry beans. Items can be dropped at your Catawba County campus in the bins labeled in the lobby until October 30.
We are partnering with Samaritan’s Purse and Operation Christmas Child. Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts delight the hearts of boys and girls in more than 100 countries. The boxes are delivered along side the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Many of those children are able to participate in the follow-up discipleship program, The Greatest Journey, where they learn to know, grow in, and spread the Good News. You can pick up your box at any campus beginning October 30. We will be collecting boxes through Nov. 13. For more information you can go to
Interested in joining the mission of Christ Church? Be sure to attend the upcoming Developing 101 class on Sunday, Nov. 6 from 3 p.m. until 5 p.m. at the Statesville Campus. This class is for anyone interested in learning more about Christ Church and also to learn what it means to be a “Fully Devoted Follower” of Christ. Refreshments and childcare will be available. Stop by the connections desk to register and pick up a Developing Class Packet.
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Celebrations Worth Inviting People to: Christmas Fest and Christmas Story and Carols
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(Thanks)-Giving Tuesday— Baptisms, Christmas Fest & “Christmas Story and Song” Service
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"The least observed, yet the most transformational Virtue..."
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From the Pastor’s Heart: 500 Plus Campaign - Caring Enough to Ask….
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21 Days IntroductionDay 1 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 2 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 3 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 4 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 5 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 6 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 7 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 8 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 9 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 10 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 11 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 12 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 13 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 14 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 15 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 16 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 17 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 18 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 19 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 20 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 21 - 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting
Day 7 - Mar. 1stDay 8 - Mar. 2ndDay 9 - Mar. 3rdChrist Church Experiencing GrowthDay 10 - Mar. 4thDay 11 - Mar. 6thDay 12 - Mar. 7thDay 13 - Mar. 8thDay 14 - Mar. 9thDay 15 - Mar. 10thDay 16 - Mar. 11thDay 17 - Mar. 13thDay 18 - Mar. 14thDay 19 - Mar. 15thDay 20 - Mar. 16thDay 21 - Mar. 17thDay 22 - Mar. 18thDay 23 - Mar. 20thDay 24 - Mar. 21stDay 25 - Mar. 22ndDay 26 - Mar. 23rdDay 27 - Mar. 24thDay 28 - Mar. 25thDay 29 - Mar. 27thDay 30 - Mar. 28thDay 31 - Mar. 29thDay 32 - Mar. 30thDay 33 - Mar. 31st
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