Celebrating Joshua Sunday October 6 - Living for Jesus by True Kingdom Living
"So fear the Lord and serve him wholeheartedly. Put away forever the idols your ancestors worshiped when they lived beyond the Euphrates River …But as for me and my family, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24: 14-15
What is Joshua Sunday? Two Sundays ago we preached on “Authentic Christianity”. What does it mean to truly live for Jesus? For over 25 years the lay leaders of Christ Church and pastors have asked, “How can a new Christian become a “Fully Devoted Follower of Jesus” and mature in God’s grace and blessings? This is how the Joshua Menu was birthed, as we believe there are SIX STEPS in being a Devoted Follower: 1) Worshipping, 2) Serving in at least one ministry a month, 3) Learning through Life Groups, 4) Praying for CC, 5) Tithing our income or heading towards tithing regularly, 6) Inviting at least five persons each month to worship.
Every church should expect something from those who join the fellowship. If a church expects nothing from those who join, then those joining receive nothing, the community gets nothing, the unchurched thousands get nothing and will have a Christless eternity. When the people of Israel went into the Promised Land, God blessed them. God also communicated through Joshua that if the people of God turned away from the Lord then God’s hand of blessing would be taken away and they would be conquered by enemies.
Our Joshua Sunday gives each of us a chance to say “We choose God and reject the enemy’s temptation for Christians to do nothing”. When Christians choose not to serve, to do nothing for God, then the enemy takes more ground in our marriages, in our families, and in our community. We need to step up and serve!
The campus pastors and I want God’s very best for every worshipper and family who has joined the Christ Church family. We want you to grow in God’s grace. The enemy is always seeking to attack us, bring chaos into our personal lives, our families, our business, etc. This is why Joshua, God’s anointed, said to the people of Israel, “As for me and my family, we will serve the Lord.” We expect you to serve, learn, worship, pray, tithe/give, and invite at Christ Church so we can be strong in our faith, encouraged in God’s presence and reach the unchurched in our community.
We love you and we will be saying on Oct. 6, “As for me and my family we will serve the Lord”,
Pastors Charles, Julie, Trent, Chip, Mike, Harley, Tyler, Brian, Brent, and Jacob
What is Joshua Sunday? Two Sundays ago we preached on “Authentic Christianity”. What does it mean to truly live for Jesus? For over 25 years the lay leaders of Christ Church and pastors have asked, “How can a new Christian become a “Fully Devoted Follower of Jesus” and mature in God’s grace and blessings? This is how the Joshua Menu was birthed, as we believe there are SIX STEPS in being a Devoted Follower: 1) Worshipping, 2) Serving in at least one ministry a month, 3) Learning through Life Groups, 4) Praying for CC, 5) Tithing our income or heading towards tithing regularly, 6) Inviting at least five persons each month to worship.
Every church should expect something from those who join the fellowship. If a church expects nothing from those who join, then those joining receive nothing, the community gets nothing, the unchurched thousands get nothing and will have a Christless eternity. When the people of Israel went into the Promised Land, God blessed them. God also communicated through Joshua that if the people of God turned away from the Lord then God’s hand of blessing would be taken away and they would be conquered by enemies.
Our Joshua Sunday gives each of us a chance to say “We choose God and reject the enemy’s temptation for Christians to do nothing”. When Christians choose not to serve, to do nothing for God, then the enemy takes more ground in our marriages, in our families, and in our community. We need to step up and serve!
The campus pastors and I want God’s very best for every worshipper and family who has joined the Christ Church family. We want you to grow in God’s grace. The enemy is always seeking to attack us, bring chaos into our personal lives, our families, our business, etc. This is why Joshua, God’s anointed, said to the people of Israel, “As for me and my family, we will serve the Lord.” We expect you to serve, learn, worship, pray, tithe/give, and invite at Christ Church so we can be strong in our faith, encouraged in God’s presence and reach the unchurched in our community.
We love you and we will be saying on Oct. 6, “As for me and my family we will serve the Lord”,
Pastors Charles, Julie, Trent, Chip, Mike, Harley, Tyler, Brian, Brent, and Jacob

Save the Date! CCKids will be hosting another Family Experience (FX) at the Fairgrove Campus on October 27 @ 4:30 PM. FX is an engaging live event where parents and kids experience music, laughter, and fun teaching about the character of God together. The FX will align and reinforce what your children will be learning in CCKids during the month of October. Your family will also be sent home with devotions to complete together. You don’t want to miss this!
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