From the Pastor’s Heart: How About Some Good News? Christmas Eve & New Year’s Eve Services
Many of us have been reading from Amos in our One Year Bible readings revealing God’s judgment upon Israel’s sin and rebellion. They have mistreated the poor and forgotten God. However it is refreshing to read in Amos 9 that God wants to bring “Good News” to us: 11 “In that day I will restore the fallen house of David. I will repair its damaged walls. From the ruins I will rebuild it and restore its former glory.” God does restore the “fallen house of David” in the birth of Jesus as the angels bring “Good News” to the shepherds in Luke 2, “9 Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared among them…he said. “I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people. 11 The Savior—yes, the Messiah, the Lord—has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David!” Folks, that is “Great News”.
God has brought “Good News” to and through Christ Church in 2023. Here are some highlights:
More Good News—Sunday morning December 24th worship services will have different music, different sermon and CCKids ministry operating during the morning worship services. December 24th evening services is Candlelight, Communion and Christmas Carols for all campuses. Please invite friends, coworkers, and family to attend. Check the CC app or website for worship times at
New Years Eve Watchnight Service for all campuses at the Mt. View Campus will be Sunday December 31st at 5:00 pm with a different message than Sunday morning focusing on God’s direction for our lives in 2024 and praying for God’s blessings.
Let’s all celebrate the Good News of Jesus’ birth this Sunday,
Pastors Charles, Chip, Trent, Mike, Harley, Tyler, Brent, and Brian
God has brought “Good News” to and through Christ Church in 2023. Here are some highlights:
- 40 Days of Fasting and Prayer setting the foundation for our Disaffiliation from the United Methodist Church so we could move forward. We have increased over 200 in worship attendance over last year! Good News indeed!
- We’ve had 55 new members join, 40 on Profession of Faith in Christ and 15 transfers which is 72.73% joining on Profession of Faith! CC is fulfilling her mission!
- We’ve witnessed 57 baptisms at CC campuses and over 80 baptisms in Shama, Ghana mission along with 121 people accepting Christ. Good News Indeed!
- Locally, we partnered with our strategic partners, offered CR each week, and gave away 1553 backpacks to students and 800 boxes of food to needy families for Thanksgiving and globally we treated over 500 people in three villages in Ghana. Our services are broadcast in over 400 jails each week. Good news!
- Our giving in 2023 so far is $118,604 over last year. However, we still are $222,794 short of meeting our general budget for 2023. In order to fund our ministries I believe we can close the gap of 6.5% deficit.
- We also celebrate that we have paid down $1,610,223.50 of our debt on four campuses since January of 2021. Our Mission 20:21 Goal is to pay down 50% or $3,900,000 in the next five years. This is Good News Indeed, freeing up more money for Mission and Ministry. Pray about making a significant year end gift!
More Good News—Sunday morning December 24th worship services will have different music, different sermon and CCKids ministry operating during the morning worship services. December 24th evening services is Candlelight, Communion and Christmas Carols for all campuses. Please invite friends, coworkers, and family to attend. Check the CC app or website for worship times at
New Years Eve Watchnight Service for all campuses at the Mt. View Campus will be Sunday December 31st at 5:00 pm with a different message than Sunday morning focusing on God’s direction for our lives in 2024 and praying for God’s blessings.
Let’s all celebrate the Good News of Jesus’ birth this Sunday,
Pastors Charles, Chip, Trent, Mike, Harley, Tyler, Brent, and Brian

Christ Church will host the Community Christmas meal at the Northside Campus - Monday, December 25 from 6:15-7:30 PM. in conjunction with Celebrate Recovery. We estimate we will be serving approximately 156 guests at their tables and we need your help.
You can serve by bringing a dinner item, cooked and ready to serve and/or volunteer at the event. Go to the following link to sign up to cook or serve in some way:
Questions, contact Brian King at or church office at 828-294-6858.
You can serve by bringing a dinner item, cooked and ready to serve and/or volunteer at the event. Go to the following link to sign up to cook or serve in some way:
Questions, contact Brian King at or church office at 828-294-6858.

Give your Student the Gift of Camp this Year!
CHRISTMAS SPECIAL ***Pay $375 before 1/1/24 to get the best discounted rate!
Fuge camps are the highlight of every summer. Ask any student that has been before and they will tell you about how their life was changed at Fuge.
Fuge Camp offers a unique opportunity for both middle school students and high school students to attend camp at the same location but follow different tracks. All students will get to spend time together daily in worship, meals and church devotions. During the day, our students will participate in one of two camps based on their grade:
CENTRIFUGE CAMP : (rising 7th to 8th grade) Students will experience camp while remaining on camp property. They will have the perfect blend of worship, recreation and freedom to select tracks based upon their individual interest to allowing them to learn, grow and experience new opportunities.
MFUGE CAMP : (rising 9th - graduated 12th grade) Our students will be challenged and stretched as individual to go out into the community on ministry teams of their choice and serve in the community. MFuge is designed to give students a mission experience that opens their eyes to similar opportunities to serve in their own communities. Students will return daily to camp to enjoy all the FUN elements of camp along with powerful group worship.
Dates: July 15-20
Location: North Greenville University - Tigerville, SC
REGISTRATION & CAMP COST: The total cost of camp this year is $425. $99 Non refundable deposit is required to secure registration. Please note that we are unable to refund deposits due to our efforts to keep camp cost as low as possible for each student.
Payment plan option if not paying in full: $99 Deposit upon registration
January 15 : $99
February 15 : $99
March : $99
April 15: any remaining balance
Fuge Camp offers a unique opportunity for both middle school students and high school students to attend camp at the same location but follow different tracks. All students will get to spend time together daily in worship, meals and church devotions. During the day, our students will participate in one of two camps based on their grade:
CENTRIFUGE CAMP : (rising 7th to 8th grade) Students will experience camp while remaining on camp property. They will have the perfect blend of worship, recreation and freedom to select tracks based upon their individual interest to allowing them to learn, grow and experience new opportunities.
MFUGE CAMP : (rising 9th - graduated 12th grade) Our students will be challenged and stretched as individual to go out into the community on ministry teams of their choice and serve in the community. MFuge is designed to give students a mission experience that opens their eyes to similar opportunities to serve in their own communities. Students will return daily to camp to enjoy all the FUN elements of camp along with powerful group worship.
Dates: July 15-20
Location: North Greenville University - Tigerville, SC
REGISTRATION & CAMP COST: The total cost of camp this year is $425. $99 Non refundable deposit is required to secure registration. Please note that we are unable to refund deposits due to our efforts to keep camp cost as low as possible for each student.
Payment plan option if not paying in full: $99 Deposit upon registration
January 15 : $99
February 15 : $99
March : $99
April 15: any remaining balance
Developing Followers Class
Interested in joining the mission of Christ Church? Be sure to attend the upcoming Developing 101 class on Sunday, January 28 from 3 p.m. until 5 p.m. at the Mt. View Campus. This class is for anyone interested in learning more about Christ Church and also to learn what it means to be a "Fully Devoted Follower" of Christ. Refreshments and childcare will be available. Stop by the connections desk to register and pick up a Developing Class Packet.
Celebrations Worth Inviting People to: Christmas Fest and Christmas Story and Carols
December 11th, 2024
(Thanks)-Giving Tuesday— Baptisms, Christmas Fest & “Christmas Story and Song” Service
December 3rd, 2024
"The least observed, yet the most transformational Virtue..."
November 12th, 2024
From the Pastor’s Heart: 500 Plus Campaign - Caring Enough to Ask….
October 31st, 2024
Celebrating Joshua Sunday October 6 - Living for Jesus by True Kingdom Living
September 25th, 2024
21 Days IntroductionDay 1 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 2 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 3 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 4 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 5 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 6 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 7 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 8 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 9 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 10 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 11 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 12 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 13 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 14 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 15 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 16 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 17 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 18 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 19 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 20 - 21 Days of Prayer & FastingDay 21 - 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting
Day 7 - Mar. 1stDay 8 - Mar. 2ndDay 9 - Mar. 3rdChrist Church Experiencing GrowthDay 10 - Mar. 4thDay 11 - Mar. 6thDay 12 - Mar. 7thDay 13 - Mar. 8thDay 14 - Mar. 9thDay 15 - Mar. 10thDay 16 - Mar. 11thDay 17 - Mar. 13thDay 18 - Mar. 14thDay 19 - Mar. 15thDay 20 - Mar. 16thDay 21 - Mar. 17thDay 22 - Mar. 18thDay 23 - Mar. 20thDay 24 - Mar. 21stDay 25 - Mar. 22ndDay 26 - Mar. 23rdDay 27 - Mar. 24thDay 28 - Mar. 25thDay 29 - Mar. 27thDay 30 - Mar. 28thDay 31 - Mar. 29thDay 32 - Mar. 30thDay 33 - Mar. 31st
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