Posts with the category “from-the-pastor-s-heart”

From the Pastor's Heart: Celebrating the Birthday of the Church
by Christ Church Tech Department on May 17th, 2024
I love birthday parties! It is a joy to celebrate new life!  Last Sunday hundreds of persons at all of our campuses came forward to receive God’s Word spoken over them:·You are wonderfully made in the image of God.  (Psalm 139)·You are a Royal Priesthood—God’s own possession.  (I Peter 2:9)You are the Light of the World. (Matthew 5:14)So many wept as they received these powerful words which God ha...  Read More
“They Gave It All…Remembering Those who have Died for Faith and Country”
by Christ Church Tech Department on May 8th, 2024
As we enter into May we cannot go further without giving God thanks for the past five weeks of seeing the Holy Spirit move among us at Christ Church.  Easter week we witnessed historical attendance with 6,126 persons worshipping our Lord Jesus Christ and affirming the power of the Resurrection to transform lives!  We celebrated 19 baptisms in the month of April and several persons joining the Chri...  Read More
From the Pastor’s Heart: It’s Time to Act—Reaching Millions by each “One” reaching “One”
by Christ Church Tech Department on February 27th, 2024
Recently I cast vision for our Leadership Team at Christ Church. Our key text for our 2024 Leadership Retreat was from Exodus 2:24-25, “God heard their groaning, and he remembered his covenant promise to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He looked down on the people of Israel and knew it was time to act.”   God heard the cry of the many and took action through One leader! God values the “One”.  In Luke 1...  Read More
From the Pastor’s Heart: A House of Prayer, of Healing and Encouragement
by Christ Church Tech Department on February 1st, 2024
When Jesus witnessed the religious leaders allowing scams in the house of God he turned over the tables of the money changers and said, ‘My Temple will be called a house of prayer, but you have turned it into a den of thieves.”   This is why Christ Church has maintained a high commitment to not allow fundraising at any of our campuses.  We believe that it is more vital to teach tithing and give of...  Read More
From the Pastor’s Heart: How About Some Good News? Christmas Eve & New Year’s Eve Services
by Christ Church Tech Department on December 14th, 2023
Many of us have been reading from Amos in our One Year Bible readings revealing God’s judgment upon Israel’s sin and rebellion.  They have mistreated the poor and forgotten God. However it is refreshing to read in Amos 9 that God wants to bring “Good News” to us: 11 “In that day I will restore the fallen house of David.  I will repair its damaged walls. From the ruins I will rebuild it and restore...  Read More
From The Pastor’s Heart: Celebrating Joshua Sunday - The Heart and Soul of Christ Church
by Christ Church Tech Department on November 14th, 2023
From The Pastor’s Heart: Celebrating Joshua Sunday—The Heart and Soul of Christ ChurchNovember 19, 2023What does it mean to follow Jesus? How do we authentically follow Jesus?  This Sunday we will gather at all five locations of Christ Church and commit to following Jesus through our six-fold commitment which comes right out of Acts 2: 42-47Worshipping regularly -  vs. 46 “They worshiped together ...  Read More
From The Pastor’s Heart: Disaffiliation is Complete...
by Christ Church Tech Department on September 7th, 2023
From The Pastor’s Heart: Disaffiliation is Complete, Going Deeper by PREP & Sowing FinanciallyOur reading from the One Year Bible this week speaks of God’s reciprocity as we can’t expect a harvest of blessings without sowing into God’s Kingdom.  This is true not only for financial blessings as we give tithes into the storehouse of God, but it’s equally true as we sow into our own lives by reading ...  Read More
From the Pastor’s Heart: 40 Days of Multiplication
by Christ Church Tech Department on February 16th, 2023
In chapter one of Mark’s Gospel we witness Jesus inviting the disciples “Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people! And they left their nets at once and followed him.” Jesus could have simply done ministry by himself. After all, no one would have done ministry as well as Jesus.  Yet, Jesus knew this was not the way to multiply God’s Kingdom with major impact.  Jesus poured three ...  Read More
From the Pastor’s Heart: Who you Worship Matters…For you Become Who or What you Worship
by Christ Church Admin on October 1st, 2022
Our One Year Bible Reading from Colossians 3 “Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others. Above all, clothe yourselves with love which binds us all together i...  Read More