~Pastor Chris Murray, Life Group Pastor

Life Groups FAQ
Life Groups are generally 6-12 people who gather in homes, coffee shops, restaurants, etc. and online throughout the week for 90 minutes to connect in friendship, learn about God's Word and cultivate a heart to serve others. In other words, Christ Church Life Groups do life together!
A Life Group is a safe place where you will be encouraged, loved and gain the community that we all need. (Hebrews 10:24-25 NIV)
Life Groups exists for all stations of life from Community groups, where all are welcome, Couple's groups, Men and Women's groups as well as Young Adult Groups. For a listing of groups, click HERE or reach out to our Life Group team for more information and help you get connected.
Yes, we offer groups that meet anonymously. Email us confidentially at lifegroup.christnc@gmail.com to schedule an appointment. In addition, Christ Church offers Celebrate Recovery groups.
Both study the Bible, however, Life Groups continue to build life-long relationships outside the church walls, as groups serve and do life together.
Christ Church Life Groups are open and welcome any adult who is interested in joining a group, whether you attend Christ Church or not. We all need community.
We encourage groups to study the Biblically based weekly sermon topic from the weekend message. From time to time there may be a special study for the groups to participate in. You can find our Life Group lessons HERE
You will be joined by like-minded friends for a time of fellowship and discussion of the sermon topic in a relaxed atmosphere, which may include light refreshments or even a meal. When you join a Christ Church Life Group, you will become surrounded by "true friends" who will celebrate your victories and be there for your trials. Life Groups is where you will hear hearts spoken
A Life Group session runs 90 minutes over 10 weeks. Most Life Groups meet weekly for three 10-week sessions, fall, winter and spring, with an optional break over the summer. You may attend more than one group or change groups after a session.
Life Groups meet in homes, coffee shops, restaurants, etc. as well as online.
Yes, there are Life Groups with childcare and are listed in the Life Group Directory. Each group decides what it will do regarding childcare. Checkout our groups HERE and refine your search for childcare.
You may join a Life Group anytime. Most groups are open to new participants if a group is not at full capacity. However, there are three connection events held just before each Life Group 10-week session. These occur during, fall, winter, and spring, where the focus is connecting people to existing and new Life Groups. For a listing of groups, click HERE or you can fill out a Life Group interest form HERE.
There are several ways to choose a group. Visit the online Life Group Directory to contact a Life Group Leader directly, speak to a Life Group Coordinator during services on the weekend or submit a Life Group interest form.
Submit a Life Group interest form and someone on our team will respond. Or reach out to the Life Group Pastor at lifegroups.christnc@gmail.com